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Sixordle by is a word-guessing game which makes you find 6 daily 5-letter words. Check out for more! Today, over 10,000 people play the Daily Sixordle regularly, and we've had over 400,000 players so far.
Guess all six Sixordle words in 11 tries.
Each guess must be a valid 5 letter word. Hit the enter button to submit.
After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word.
The letter C is in the word and in the correct spot.
The letter A is in the word but in the wrong spot.
The letters C, O, M, F, Y are not in the word in any spot.
When you type a guess in Sixordle, you will guess that word for all six words that you are solving. All six words you are solving will be different.
For the guess WORLD:
- The top left word has none of the letters.
- The top right word has the R in the wrong spot and the D in the correct spot.
- The bottom left word has the L in the wrong spot.
- The bottom right word has the O in the right spot and the D in the wrong spot.
You have 11 guesses to get all 6 words correct. Good luck!
A new Sixordle will be available each day at 12:00 AM (your time)!
Programmed by Savir Singh for the world!
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